Discover the workshops to learn all about the Sol'Ex (Solar Explorer): Optical kit / Sol'Ex observations / Motorization of the array, Vernier and thermal protection / DemoSol'Ex Tutorials PlaylistSolEx project workshop #1 SolEx project workshop #2 SolEx project...
Demetra tutorial
You'll find all our Demetra video tutorials on this web page. Demetra is a free software package for processing spectra from the ALPY 600, LISA and eShel spectrographs from the Shelyak Instruments range. Playlist of Demetra tutorials Tutorial #1 Introduction to...
Shelyak spectroscopes workshop
Discover Shelyak's spectroscopic workshops, where you can learn more about our instruments and familiarize yourself with them.These Zoom workshops have been recorded and the replay is available on our Youtube channel. Tutorial playlistAlpy 600 workshop Tuning...
Python workshops
Discover workshops on using Python in astronomy/spectroscopy.Playlist of Python tutorialsPython Workshop #1 Python Workshop #2 Python Workshop #3