All the news about spectroscopy
at the service of the astronomical community

OHP 2024 spectro workshop

OHP 2024 spectro workshop

The OHP 2024 spectroscopy course will take place from Tuesday July 9th to sunday july 14th. This course is jointly organized by STAROS Projects and Shelyak Instruments, and the official language is French.Pre-registration for the course As every year, we give priority...

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Astronomers’ words: your observations

My experience of the 2023 spectro course

My experience of the 2023 spectro course

At the end of this article, you will find the different presentations made by the course leaders!August 8th arrival at OHP Great day to plant setups at the Haute Provence Observatory. Amidst rosemary, myriads of little white snails and other small creatures, I arrived...

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The Shelyak Youtube channel features workshops and tutorials on our spectroscopes, software and other Shelyak instruments.

Shelyak instruments : experts in spectroscopy

Shelyak Instruments has been designing, manufacturing and marketing for more than 10 years a complete range of spectroscopes dedicated to astronomy for Research, Industry, Education and Leisure. Whether you are simply curious or an experienced observer, professional or private, we make instruments for you. We can also adapt these products or even design new ones to your specifications. We distribute our products worldwide, directly through this website, and also through our worldwide network of distributors.

This site gives you all the technical information for each instrument, but also a lot of information on the principles of spectroscopy, ideas for projects, reference information, etc. Proud to be a dynamic actor of the growing community of spectrocopists, we want to answer always better to your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us

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