One week-end dedicated to Spectroscopy, organised by BAA

Attendees at the Spectroscopy Workshop, from left to right : David Salmon, George Faillace, Gareth, Cottrell, Ann Davies, Richard Green, Alain Barthez, Francois Cochard, David Boyd, Steve Cuthbert, Nick Atkinson, Tony Rodda, Zoltan Trenovszki, John Bush, Mike Rushton, Andy Wilson, Kevin Gurney, Robin Leadbeater, Thomas Morris, Hugh Allen. (Photo : David Salmon.)
To promote astronomical spectroscopy, British Astronomical Association (BAA) organised last year a program including financial help for buying spectroscopes (Alpy made by SHELYAK Instruments) and the organisation of a week-end workshop to learn how to begin with these new devices. SHELYAK Instruments has supported this programme and has be part of the exchange during the week-end.
To see the report of this meeting.
For other Astronomy Associations around the world, if you have similar ideas, be sure, you can stand by SHELYAK Instruments.

(Photo : David Boyd)